Let's talk about maps
Hey GoodTechFest attendees,
I gave a workshop at Good Tech Fest 2019 called Let's talk about maps. This page contains information about the slides, links to tools and resources I mentioned in my workshop. If you'd like to start a conversation with me or keep up with my work, you can find details on me at the bottom of this page.The Slides
The slides for this talk can be found here soon:
Get the slidesWill add the map type PDFs here too, soon.

About me
I help civic advocacy groups inform the public by creating (geospatial) data visualization to improve transparency and accountability.
I run an Open Data Consultancy called Civic Vision and help civic advocacy groups use the power of Open Data and Open Source to build Visualizations, Data Stories and Tools to increase transparency and accountability.
Follow me on twitter @milafrerichs or
Learn more
Geospatial Data Visualization with d3 - Online Workshop
If you're interested in learning more how to create data visualizations with d3, check out my new online course:
Check it out